Sunday, May 12, 2024

Catching the Shipka

I got up kind of late yesterday after chasing the Aurora the night before.  So I took a look at what ships were going to be passing Detroit.  I saw a ship that I was interested in catching that was heading there, so I also headed to Detroit.
The Shipka belongs to Navigation Maritime Bulgare which is based in Bulgaria.
The ship itself is only two years old, as she was constructed in 2022.
She is 620 feet long and 77 feet wide which means she fits in the Welland Canal (obviously, since she's here).
She has a cargo of a little over 21,000 ton.
Like so many foreign ships, she is registered to a port of convenience.  In this case, that is Malta.
I'm not sure where she is heading from as AIS only records the last port visited.  In this case, that would be Port Colborne, which is on the Lake Erie side of the Welland Canal.
At any rate, it is nice to see the salties visit the Great Lakes.  They add some variety to the other ships.
She gives off a beam shot as she passes the Ambassador Bridge.
Her destination is listed as Sault Ste Marie.  I believe that means she is headed to the steel mill, but I am not sure what she is delivering.
She passes the next ship as one of the many sprinkles of the day happens.

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