Monday, May 27, 2024

Remember Memorial Day

I probably should have posted this earlier but I didn't.  Gave me a chance to collect some of thoughts of late.

Memorial Day is a day when we are supposed to remember the people that have fallen in defense of our nation.  We also tend to remember other people that have died as well which is fine.  It is also traditionally the day that we consider the start of the summer months.  Granted, the actual start of summer isn't for another month but that's okay.

The medal in the picture is a Purple Heart.  This one was awarded to my great uncle.  He died while on a refuelling barge in the Pacific.  I forget where the Purple Heart falls in the scheme of medals but it is up there.  In order to receive one, you have to either die or be wounded in combat.  In the case of my great uncle, he died as a result of wounds from combat.  I think my grandpa also received a Purple Heart but I don't know where that one is.  He was wounded in Dutch Harbor during a Japanese attack there.  He would have been on a tanker at the time.

I did have a distant relative that served in the Civil War (which was the original origin of the holiday) but I'm not sure what he did.  Someday, I may have to look it up.

Anyway, while you are enjoying the day off, take a moment to think about the sacrifices made for this country.


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