Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Algoma Conveyor on a Nice Day

 It was a nice day and it looked like it was going to be a busy day.  Sadly, I didn't make it up to Port Huron in time to catch the bulk of the ships but I did make it in time to catch one of them.

The Algoma Conveyor was heading downbound from Goderich.
I presume she was carrying a load of salt but it seems like it is early for that.  It also doesn't seem like there would be anywhere that would need it.
We had a pretty mild winter last year in this area (although that might not be the case elsewhere).
So I can't imagine too many towns ran out of stocks.  Also, this is the first of two bow shots I get here.
She makes the turn for the channel.
I probably could have brought my drone with me, as it was windy but not too windy.
But the skies were clear.
I was going to catch another ship but it was going to be awhile for it get here and I had other places to go.
The second bow shot.
There was enough wave action as she turned towards 
I love this shot.
She passes the Blue Water Bridge.
And continues on her way.
She is heading to Hamilton.
I think she will be there sometime tomorrow.
It was starting to cloud up.
One more shot.  I was going to head to Embury Road but there was construction there and I couldn't make it.  I might try tomorrow.

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