Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Load of American Courage Between the Raindrops

 I was going to catch a pair of ships yesterday but I had to do my laundry and I ended up missing my window to catch them.  It looked like it might rain yesterday, so I just messed around.  Didn't even work on my model.  Well today, I figured that I should get out.  There was a nice group of ships that was passing Detroit today, so I thought I would go catch them.

Sadly, I missed the first two but I made it in time to catch one.
This one is the American Courage and I believe it has been a while since I've caught her.  I think it also has been a while since I've taken pictures from Belle Isle.  So I was happy.
It was threatening rain all day today too and in fact, it was raining pretty hard as I was heading to Belle Isle but it stopped when I got there.
I'm not sure where she was before, but she did stop for fuel at Mistersky Fuel Dock (in fact that was her destination while I was there).
She is a pretty nice ship to catch.
You can see the towers of the Gordie Howe Bridge from this spot as well.  I didn't realize how well that bridge shows up.  She will definitely be a dominating landmark.
I think she was carrying stone and I think she was in Sandusky (or around there).
she is one of the River class ships that were built by using the same loan money as the thousand footers.
They decided they needed some smaller ships because the 1000 footers couldn't get everywhere.
These are also equipped with bow and stern thrusters and have the Cuyahoga in mind.
They can deftly maneuver her tight curves.
Anyway, I just checked Marine Traffic and she is heading up to Cedarville which means that she will be picking up stone.

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