Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Kaye E. Barker at Mistersky

 This was a ship that I saw on Marine Traffic but I wasn't sure that I was going to catch her.

When I got to Riverside, I saw that she was getting fuel at Mistersky.  I also saw that she had been there a couple of hours, so I expected that she was going to pulling out soon.
I wasn't sure if I was going to see her actually pull out, so I took a couple of pictures as she was docked.
As I realized that the Dorothy Ann/Pathfinder was pulling into the fuel dock, I looked at the Barker and saw that smoke was coming out of her stack.  That meant that she would be pulling out.
Sadly, I didn't catch a picture of it but after a puff of smoke from the bow thrusters, she started to pull out of the dock.  I was more interested in getting a bow shot of her.
She continued to push out.
Started to give me a good shot of Zug Island.
When I posted this picture, I titled it as "Pulling out of Correllia" because that was Han Solo's home plant.  This looked like the planet in "Solo".
She is another ship that I really like.  she is another classic laker but she is a unique looking one.
She is also one that I see fairly often because she is typically the one that goes between Marquette and Dearborn.
The bridge in the background.
She pulls out in the channel.
Just a beautiful ship.
A relatively clean background.
A nice shot with the McKeil Spirit and Pathfinder in the picture.
The ship moves on.
She approaches the Ambassador Bridge.
The tower to the front.
The tower in the back.
She was heading on to Burns Harbor.  I think she was coming from Toledo which means that she was delivering iron to Burns Harbor.

The Detroit Police Boat

 As I was waiting for the next ship, this passed by.

It was the Harbor Master boat for the Detroit Police.
I don't know why it was passing this way but it was kind of cool to see.

The Curtis Randolph Tests Its Fire Hoses

 This next part was pretty neat.  For part of the morning, I heard them turn the engines on for the Curtis Randolph.  Occasionally, they would cycle them.  I assume that was to test the engines because I imagine the boat doesn't go out much.

Then they started to test the fire hoses.  I heard the engines rev up for this.
They started to rev the engines more.
And then we got a nice stream of water and a little wet from the mist.

And Then There Was the Pathfider

This is one that I did not expect to catch.

The Dorothy Ann/Pathfinder was stopped in the Belle Isle Anchorage when I first got here.  I wasn't sure why she was waiting there.
I initially thought she was waiting to go up the Rouge or something.
But it turns out that she was waiting for an opening at the fuel dock.
So she started to head down the river.
I'm surprised they didn't bring the tug to her but I imagine that might cost extra.
She starts to pass the Ambassador Bridge.
The tower in the middle.
One more with the Bridge.
She continues to the Mistersky fuel docks.

The H. Lee White Makes an Appearance

When I do a post that says either "Catching up with ..." or "The ... makes an appearance".  It refers to a ship I haven't seen in a while (or perceived to haven't seen in a while).  In this case, the H. Lee White.
It has been over a year since I've seen the H. Lee White.  She was about on the same path.
I didn't catch where she was coming from but she was heading to Toledo.
That means that she would likely be carrying iron or stone.
I didn't catch where she ended up in Toledo though.
Anyway, I will use this picture as a reminder for you to get your tetanus booster.
She is one of the River class ships built in the 1980s when the shipping companies realized they needed smaller ships for some of the rivers that are on the Great Lakes.
Granted the Maumee is not one of those rivers (or at least at the mouth of the Maumee) as some thousand footers will layup at the CSX docks there.
Despite the rust, she's not a bad looking ship.
She approaches the Ambassador Bridge.
One of the towers.
I like this shot with the Westcott at her side.
The tower at the middle.
She continues past the Bridge.
The Westcott pulls away.
She continues down the river.  I wish I would have taken a picture with the Gordie Howe Bridge more in the backdrop.  When I last saw her, the Bridge was barely started.  Now it is almost complete.  Makes for a nice contrast.

McKeil Spirit Docked in Windsor

 This ship was docked in Windsor.

I saw her coming up the river on AIS, so I didn't think I would get a chance to catch her.  Little did I know, she would stop.
I'm not sure what she was unloading though.