Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Kaye E. Barker on the Rouge River

I had a doctor's appointment on Friday, so I decided to take the day off.  The appointment was in the morning, so I had an afternoon to kill.  I decided to see what was stirring in shipping.  I saw that there were two that I was interested in catching.

First up was the Kaye E. Barker on the Rouge River.  I like to catch ships on the Rouge when I can because I like the setting.  I also found out that I can get this shot from the Fort Street Bridge.
The Kaye Barker as she is about to pass through one of the railroad bridges on the Rouge River.
The railroad bridge is an ABT bascule bridge.  It is a fairly unique design as there is only one other in the state of Michigan and that one is in Saginaw.
There used to be one in Port Huron but the yacht club tore it down.  This one was built by the American Bridge Company of New York, New York in 1921.
Hopefully they keep it.
Now she approaches the Fort Street Bridge.
This one is a little easier to take pictures at but I have to pay attention to the trees.
I like to keep the drone low.
The Barker was moving slow enough that I was able to get a bow shot.
One more shot here.
Next I headed over to the Dix Avenue Bridge to get some pictures with my regular camera.
I have tried to use my drone here but there are a ton of wires in the area and I'm afraid that I might hit one.  It kind of same really because the pictures from the air here are pretty cool.
Of course, the pictures from the ground aren't too bad either.
As I was taking pictures of this, I thought how much this looked like a face.  So I had to get a close up of it.
Back to my normal pictures of her.
She was coming down from Marquette and had a load of taconite.
She was heading to the steel mill.
I went to get pictures of her as she was passing through the bridge.  I was trying a leading line shot with this one.  I kind of like it.
She passes by and a shot of the back of her pilot house.
Some of her hatches were open and that gave me chance to get some pictures of her cargo.  I'm kind of amazed that it still looks like a pile after the distance it has traveled.
Another shot of the back of her pilothouse.
Not sure what this is, but I figured I could get a picture of it.
A shot of her stack.  I actually like the look of the Interlake stacks.
The control area for her self unloader.
One of her boats.  I think this might be a lifeboat, but I'm not sure.
A pair of inflatable rafts.  I think these will inflate automatically when they hit the water.
A fishing boat.  I think these are used at certain docks for guidance into the dock.
Her lifering.
Old Glory flapping in the breeze.
One of her crew members on the fantail.
She passes by.  I like the reflection in the water.
Her stern.
She makes the turn for the dock.
My favorite shot on the Great Lakes.
As I type this, she is on her way to Stoneport.  I'm not sure where she is heading after that.

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