So my next stop for the day was the Voyageur Encampment at Metro Beach. The voyageurs were the French fur trappers that ended up settling this area at first. Then they were replaced by the British and eventually this area became part of the United States.

This is a pair of men dressed up like fur traders. This was a pretty neat event and I was happy to see the various people there.

This guy is dressed up like a French Marine.

The guy on the left is a friend from college that I hadn't seen in a while. It was pretty cool to meet up with him again. He gave a presentation on the British military presence in Detroit and it was very informative.
Here he was giving a presentation about the differences from the uniforms of the French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War. It was pretty interesting.

Here is another British soldier.

A British Engineer.

This guy is dressed up like a Cree Native American.

A Voyageur.

Another shot of my friend.

this is him in a field uniform. The coat is cut shorter and the hat is a little more useful than the Tri-corner they usually wear.

Not sure what kind of skull this is.

A basket of arrowheads.

A basket of beads.

Another Native American. I really like the necklace he is wearing.

Another shot of the Cree guy.

A fiddle player.