So I noticed that the month of June was starting to slip away from me and I didn't take my June picture of the Barton Dam yet. So headed over to the dam after work tonight. The fact that it was a nice night helped my decision quite a bit.

I'm not sure what kind of plants these are but they looked nice against the Huron River.

And of course the dam itself.

My favorite thing when taking water pictures is to turn the shutter speed down to capture the illusion of movement. The moss on the dam itself helped this picture, I think.

A closeup of the above shot.

The above shot with a faster shutter speed.

Another angle of the dam. I kind of like the colors in this picture.

I think I like this one a little bit better though because of the sky.

Another angle on the dam.

This is the bridge that crosses the Huron River. It's actually a pretty nice park.

In the process of taking this shot, my lens cap decided it wanted to go for a swim. I guess of all the things that could do that, the lens cap is probably the best although it is a pain to find a replacement (as of this writing, I do not have one yet).
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