So yesterday as I was walking into the office, I noticed that one of the lilies was yellow. I was thinking of taking a picture of it then but ended up not. It rained this morning and there were some water droplets on the petals so I decided to take a couple pictures this morning.

I kind of like the yellow of this flower. It sets off well against the red lily next to it.

I think this flower is a daffodil (and it turns out that I was is a daylily...thanks readers). We have these in another spot on the office grounds.

Looking at the lily from the side.

Like I said, I liked the contrast of the yellow next to the red, so I took a picture of both colors of flowers.
I like this shot a little better.
The smaller yellow lily is a daylily. I have so many of them I had to cut the clusters of plants apart and give them away.
Mikoyan, I feel the pleasure that you experience when you look at these flowers in the rain. Isn't photography grand? (Thanks for your comments over at A Camp Host's Meanderings. I did see you waving from the train.)
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