So yesterday I headed over to Barton Dam to do my continuing 12 month series of the Barton Dam. It was a pretty nice day yesterday except for the humidity but I guess I can deal with that. Since Blogger was down all night last night, I couldn't post these until today. So without further adieu, here are the pictures.

This is the shot as I am coming up to the dam. I used a slower shutter speed to get the motion of the water in the picture. I will explain more about that later.

Just a shot of the dam itself. Again with a slow shutter speed. It is wierd, this picture turned out nice, the one where I used a higher shutter speed looked blurry.

Looking at the dam from the side.

This is a shot of the dam where I used a faster shutter speed to try to freeze the water. You can see the little droplets.

The same shot as above but I used a slower shutter speed (1/15 if you care because that's about as slow as I can go and still hold the camera and not get too much motion blur). Which of these two shots do you prefer?

A similar shot as above, but I pulled the camera back a little bit.

Just a shot of the whole dam again.

Looking down at one of the spots on the dam.

Again, another shot at a higher shutter speed.

Similar shot at lower speed.

Same deal.

Shot at higher speed.

I kind of wish I knew flowers better because I think this is a pretty cool looking flower.

A yellow flower.

Some sort of tree blossoms.
Same type of tree, different angle.
A shot of the railroad bridge with the dam.
Just a shot of the Huron River.
I think spring in Michigan is one of my favorite times. The weather is just warm enough but not so warm that it is uncomfortable. The trees are starting to bloom and are just about as colorful as the fall. There are flowers and what not.
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