I was going to head to Barton Dam tonight to do my May shot of the dam but the weather didn't look like it wanted cooperate with me. So I decided to head over to Matthei Botanical Gardens instead. Since was cloudy, the light was a bit more subdued so I thought that would make better light for taking flower pictures.
The idea of a botanical garden was formed in 1817 with the founding of the University. In 1897, a couple of professors started to plant a couple gardens and work was started to look for a more permanent site. In 1907, the Arboretum is created. In 1962, the current site for the Botanical Gardens is dedicated. It is a pretty nice site too.

As I was parking my car, I looked over towards the pond and I noticed this heron. Since I had my camera with me, I was happen. For a second I thought he would fly away.

He didn't fly away.

He stuck around for a bit, so I managed to get some decent shots. Although I was a second too late to get a shot of him fishing.

There was also a goose family.

Dad expressing displeasure.

Not sure what kind of bird this is, but I thought it looked pretty neat.

I liked these flowers.

And these flowers.

This was part of a what was called a knot garden.

I really like this yellow flower.
Towards the back, there was a children's area. This carving was part of that.

A farther out shot of the eagle.

I was happiest about catching a picture of a woodpecker. Unfortunately, not the best shot.
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