The Mackinaw Bridge in the Fall. This is truly a beautiful site.

Probably one of the more famous shots of the Bridge, with a freighter passing underneath.

This was one of the my early shots of the bridge as I was learning the camera. The UFOs are a reflection off the lens onto the filter.

A shot of the Bridge in the Winter.

And another in the winter.
One of my favorite places to visit in Michigan is the Mackinaw Bridge. It is used to connect the Upper Pennisula to the Lower Pennisula. Before the Bridge was built, you had to take a ferry if you wanted to go to either Penninsula.
Construction of the Bridge finished in 1957. It was finished on schedule and traffic started to cross in November of that year.
The design of the bridge was influenced by the Tacoma Narrows Bridge disaster (any engineering student has seen video of that). The bridge itself was reinforced so that it didn't reach a resonance frequency. In the center is a grating so that the pressure on both sides of the bridge is equalized which means that it wont behave like a wing.
The length of the main span is 3,8000 feet which makes it the third longest suspension in the US and 12th in the world. The entire bridge covers 5 miles worth of water.
Every year you can walk the Bridge at Labor Day.
I think it is a very beautiful bridge, green and white is a nice color scheme. In the summer, the water has a nice shade of blue. I will take it over the Golden Gate Bridge any day.