
This is probably the classic view of the tulip festival. This is a windmill that was brought over here from the Netherlands. This one was used as an observation point in World War II, they had one of the replaced blades where you could see the bullet holes.

This is probably another classic view, the fields of tulips.

A better shot from a lower angle. Love the color contrasts.

A closeup of the interior of a tulip.

Another interior, note the bee.

Some nice red and yellow ones.

A red one amongst a bunch of yellow.

Same shot, different angle.
Awesome pics as always. I haven't been to the festival since I was a wee tot.
Florists must have had a field day arranging those tulips. All told, you've captured the brisk colors of these flowers. Just looking at these make me feel like I'm actually by the flower beds. The pic with flowers of contrasting colors is note-worthy.
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