This was a carving of a wolf family sitting outside a bar there. I really liked this sculpture.

A close up of the howling wolf.

This was sitting outside a store.

This was part of a play area, I think I have a picture of this somewhere else.

This is the Canadair Regional Jet that would take me home to Detroit Metro.
What were you doing in Minneapolis? My friend lives out there. She wants me to visit next summer and go to the Mall of America with her.
Awwwwww! I want the Snoopy for my house! My son is a big Snoopy fan :-)
The Snoopy is pretty cool in person. Like I said, it's a little play area type thing. Unfortunately, I couldn't stop much longer as my flights were pretty close together (timewise).
If you get a chance, you should go to the Mall of America. It's a neat place to visit...once.
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