Thursday, September 12, 2024

And the Main Attraction

 And this the ship I was waiting for.

It's been over a year since I've seen her.  She only went out a few times last year and then they laid her up.
They pulled her out of layup and she is sailing again.
But I heard a rumor that this might be her last year but you never know.
She is one of my favorites because many people think she's ugly.
I think she is unique looking.
She was coming down from Thunder Bay after a layup in Meldrum Bay.
It looks like she was recently painted though.
So maybe I will see her again a few more times.
I hope so.
She was heading to Hamilton.
I'm not sure what she was carrying.
The J.W. Westcott goes out to visit her.
The Westcott travels along her side.

The Westcott pulling away.
I like this shot.
The Detroit River has a nice shade of blue.
Two classics.
The beam shot.
She heads away.
Going down the Detroit River.
heading for another Bridge.
And then I switched to my normal camera for the mostly stern shot.
My last picture of the day but I hope its not my last picture of her.

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