So next up is the Roger Blough which I have covered
before, so I'm not going to go into much detail this time. I think of the ships that I have seen come down on the river, this one has to be my favorite. When you see her straight from the front, she just looks big and loaded. Not to many of the other ships have that look to them.

Here she is rounding the corner into the Detroit River Channel. It's pretty cool to watch the ships as they come in from this way because at one point they look like they are coming straight at you and then they turn and you get this view.

She definately has the lines of the classic lake freighter.

Here is a fairly clean shot, which is one of the other nice things about this side of the island.

Here she is almost straight out. Unfortunately, I don't have a wide enough angle lens to capture the full length.

Here is a shot of just the pilot house and bow.

A better shot of the pilothouse.

Here she is heading further down the Detroit River.

I decided to go to the other end of the island to get the rest of the shots.

Here she is heading off to other parts of the Lakes.
Just saw her last night around midnight entering the Manitou Passage. Just her lights and silhouette but it was my first glimpse of this beauty!
That would have made a cool picture.
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