Monday, July 8, 2024

A Stop at the Shiawassee National Wildlife Preserve

I had to go take some drawings up to Bay City for my mom today.  After we dropped those off, we came back by way of M-13 and that meant a stop at Shiawassee.  They were doing some work on the main entrance, so we had to go another way.  It was a way that we haven't been and I kind of liked it better than the normal entrance because it went through woods.  Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of it.

It was kind of warm day and we were up there in the middle of the afternoon, so that meant many of the birds were hunkering down somewhere.  But that didn't mean we didn't see any.  This barn swallow was modeling for me.
Another shot of him.
As I came around to another spot, I saw this egret standing in the tree.  I think he was trying to stay in the shade.
He was close enough that I was able to get a face shot.
I love the looks of these birds, they are so regal.
the white really sets off well.
He was also modeling for me.
Hey, what are you looking at.
Another cool shot.
Just love these birds.
One more shot of him.
A water lily.
There were quite a few of them.
I kind of like this one.
I'm not sure what kind of flower this.
A group of cormorants.
I was going to make this one look like he was singing back to the chorus.
A puddle duck.
A closeup on a dragon fly.
Some more water lilies.
I kind of like this shot.
and one more.

I'm not sure how long the main entrance is going to be closed but I hope the change the pattern for a while.


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