Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Lee Tregurtha Passes By Again

 And it wasn't much longer before the ship I wanted to catch appeared.

The Lee A. Tregurtha was coming down from Marquette and by all appearances, she was fully loaded.
She was heading down to Toledo which means that she had a load of iron.
It would have made for a better day if she were heading to the Rouge but this works.
The bow shot.  This is one of a couple locations where I can get a decent bow shot.  It was cool enough that this didn't have heat haze.
She makes the turn for the channel.
The sun wasn't too bad today either.
I like this shot because it's relatively clean.
She is about to pass Windsor.
She passes the park on the other side.
Approaching the Ambassador Bridge.
This was about as close as I got to beam shot.
The tower in her center.
She passes the Bridge.  I didn't have my drone with me because it was a bit on the windy side and I didn't really want to bring it down.
She continues down the river.
As I said before, they have connected the span.  I think there is still some work needed on the bridge itself.  The approaches need more work though.

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