I haven't posted in a couple days, so I decided to take a couple pictures of my stuffed wolverine. I got him from the World Wildlife Federation by adopting a wolverine. Of course I was mostly interested in getting the wolverine but if some of that money goes towards saving wolverines, that's a good thing.

This is a shot from the side. It's not a bad representation of a wolverine but it doesn't look fierce enough. Nor does it really have the claws to represent a wolverine.

Here's a shot from the front....should have some teeth I think.
A wolverine is a formidable animal. Minnesotan's should really question why their founders or whoever chose to have the "Golden Gopher" as their state animal. California has the grizzly bear, now that's an animal that means business. But, who shudders at the sight of a gopher? Farmer Larson, lurking in the cold, dark Minnesota night, readies his 20 gauge and takes aim at the garden pest from hell. Whoop-dee-do.
Good for you for supporting wolverines! Thanks for coming by Levonne's Pretty Pics and leaving a comment!
What's funny is that Minnesota is probably more suited to be the wolverine state than Michigan. Until a couple years ago, a wolverine hasn't been officially in the state of Michigan for over 200 years. I'm sure there have been some but not documented.
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