Sunday, August 11, 2024

A Stop at Ottawa Today

It was a pretty nice day today, so I decided to head down to Ottawa Wildlife Preserve.  I was hoping I would see some eagles but didn't end up being the case but I did see some other things.

I missed my chance to get a picture of a cardinal but I did get some pictures of this starling.
It is a pretty nice looking bird.
But the American lotus was in bloom and that kind of made up for other things.
These are pretty cool looking flowers.
The light was almost perfect.
One more at this spot.
I think this flower is called a marsh mallow.
More American lotus.
I kind of like that this picture has the middle part.
And my last one.
Another marsh mallow.
As I was leaving the park, I saw this hawk.  Unfortunately, it was in heavy blacklight but with a little work, I was able to make a decent picture.
I actually like this picture a little better.

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