A shot looking down the Huron River. I think as part of my next series, I'm going to stop at the other park and get some shots from there. I'm hoping that I can time it so that I can get a shot of a train crossing the bridge.

An overall shot of the dam, but unfortunately blocked by the railroad bridge. Based on today, I have a pretty good idea of when the train will come by so I will try to get a shot here of the train.

A shot of the building from the other side.

Just a shot of the railroad bridge. I kind of like some of the grafitti.

Looking up at the building.

Looking across at the dam. This was using a higher shutter speed.

This one was shot at a lower shutter speed to capture the illusion of movement.

Looking down at the dam.

At anotehr spot on the dam.

An overall view of the dam.

Looking at the dam from another angle. As you can tell from the sky, it was pretty blah out. In fact, I think I saw some flurries.

Just a shot of the dam.

Not sure what kind of tree this is, but I like the look of it. Thanks to one of my readers, this is an alder tree.

A closeup of that tree.
It's an alder (genus Alnus). Probably a black alder (Alnus glutinosa). The "cones" are the female fruit and the little sausage shaped things are immature male flowers. Barton Dam is one of my favorite areas in Ann Arbor. Even saw a bald eagle there once.
I would love to see a bald eagle in this area. I think the closest one is Crosswinds Marsh but I've heard people mention about seeing them around 23.
Thanks for the plant info.
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